Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have some wars going on.

I have a war with the log book. always trying to beat my last numbers.

I have a war with my books. trying to learn and absorb everything I possibly can.

I have lots of war. But I also have a new war. the food war.

I've eaten "big" before, but it was sloppy.

I've eaten little before, and been hungry, but it wasn't too bad.

Now I'm eating good, clean foods, in excess.

and Its actually one of the hardest things I've ever done. trying to gain quality weight is NOT easy.

my carbs were upped quite a bit last week, and Its almost breaking me. I'm not eating enough, I know this. I'm barely getting the correct amount of food I should be getting in, and most days I'm missing my last meal from flat out not being hungry.

my solution? I'm going to start timing myself. forcing myself to eat if my appetite is playing games with me.